初始配置 1.前往官网下载VS code并安装 官网链接:https://code.visualstudio.com 2.下载mingw64 官网链接:http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php 自行选择合适的系统版本进行下载 下载后将bin目录添加到环境变量中 3.安装扩展 如果看不习惯英文,可以安装中文包扩展 安装C/C++扩展 调试运行环境 1.新建一个CPP文件 2....
修改"program"为 "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" "args": ["/C","${fileDirname}\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe","&","pause"] 这里给出完整配置文件可对照修改 8 若你配置正确,现在终端将在程序执行完毕后暂停(即不会闪退) 三、解决无法调试 配置launch.json 这里直接给出配置文件,不做赘述,直接按照...
It is a huge help if the linters being configured are in working order on the command-line, prior to an attempt at configuring the extension within VSCode. This extension runs a few third-party command-line tools found from the locations determined by thePATHorPathenvironment variable, and th...
The base name of the code file being run without its extension/* --- 编译、运行只有一个文件的cpp文件 --- */// 注:路径中有空格不会出现问题"cpp":"g++ $fullFileName -o $dir\"$fileNameWithoutExt\"\".out\" -W -Wall -O2 -std=c++17 && $dir\"$fileNameWithoutExt\"\".out\"",/...
1.多个cpp文件在同一级目录 参考:https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/2f9b480d7ceb3d01ca6cc224.html 此时可通过修改Code Runner的命令参数来编译。 Code Runner右键 扩展设置,打开setting.json,如图修改为
Note, this is an example of all fields. You do not need to specify all fields in yourc_cpp_properties.jsonfile. The extension will automatically fill in any missing fields with default values. {"env": {"myIncludePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/include","${workspaceFolder}/src"],"myDefines"...
Generate xml documenation comment stubs in c++ files by typing three forward slashes. This functionality is already built into visual studio for c# code; this extension attempts to bring it to c++ as well. The /// needs to be entered on the line immediately preceding the function. ...
It is a huge help if the linters being configured are in working order on the command-line, prior to an attempt at configuring the extension within VSCode. This extension runs a few third-party command-line tools found from the locations determined by thePATHorPathenvironment variable, and th...