iterator insert(iterator it,const T& x):双端队列中某一元素前增加一个元素x void insert(iterator it,int n,const T& x):双端队列中某一元素前增加n个相同的元素x void insert(iterator it,const_iterator first,const_iteratorlast):双端队列中某一元素前插入另一个相同类型向量的[forst,last)间的数据 ...
void push_back(const T& x):双端队列尾部增加一个元素x iterator insert(iterator it,const T& x):双端队列中某一元素前增加一个元素x void insert(iterator it,int n,const T& x):双端队列中某一元素前增加n个相同的元素x void insert(iterator it,const_iterator first,const_iteratorlast):双端队列...
emplace(...); return s.extract(s.begin()); } s2.insert(elementFactory()); Changing the key of a map element: std::map<int, string> m {{1, "one"}, {2, "two"}, {3, "three"}}; auto e = m.extract(2); e.key() = 4; m.insert(std::move(e)); // m == { { 1,...
#include<iostream>#include<tuple>#include<vector>intmain() { std::tuple<int,int,int>threeI(10,20,30); std::tuple<std::string, std::vector<std::string>, std::pair<std::string,int>>someVal("constants", {"a","bb"}, {"ccc",3});return0; } 练习17.2 定义一个 tuple,保存一个 s...
k-the key used both to look up and to insert if not found hint-iterator to the position before which the new element will be inserted args-arguments to forward to the constructor of the element Return value 1-3)Same as foremplace: ...
1-3)Same as foremplace. 4-6)Same as foremplace_hint. Notes insert_or_assignreturns more information thanoperator[]and does not require default-constructibility of the mapped type. Example Run this code #include <iostream>#include <string>#include voidprint_node(constauto&node){std::cout<<...
ReportItem &item = configs_[configIndex].reportItems_.emplace_back(, sample.data_.tid, thread.name_, frameIt->filePath_, frameIt->symbolName_, frameIt->vaddrInFile_, sample.data_.period); HLOGV("%s", item.ToDebugString().c_str()); HLOG_ASSERT(!item...
// 假定 s 是一个 string,解释调用 svec.emplace_back(s)会发生什么 1.转发扩展包 2. s 传递是值传递,也就是会调用string newstring(s),拷贝构造函数 16.60// 解释 make_shared 是如何工作的。 最简单的一种重载是 template< class T, class
C++ set value_comp() Function with tutorial for beginners and professionals with examples on constructor, destructor, operator=(), begin(), cbegin(), cend(), end(), crbegin(), empty(), max_size(), clear(), emplace_hint(), key_comp(), swap() etc.
cout<<"Using emplace_back :"<<sw.ElapsedUs()<<endl; vector<BigTestStruct> sourceVector4, pushBackTestVector, emplaceBackTestVector; FillVector(sourceVector4); //Test push back performance sw.Restart(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sourceVector4.size(); ++i) { pushBackTestVector.push_ba...