#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <locale> #include <codecvt> std::wstring s2ws(const std::string& str) { usi
Method/Function: toStdWString Examples at hotexamples.com: 26 QString toStdWString is a function in the QT library which is a C++ toolkit used to create cross-platform applications. This function is used to convert a QString object to a std::wstring object. A QString is a Unicode...
类模板std::wstring_convert用单独的编码转换刻面Codecvt,进行字节字符串std::string和宽字符串std::basic_string<Elem>间的转换。std::wstring_convert假定拥有转换刻面的所有权,而不能使用本地环境所管理的刻面。 适用于std::wstring_convert的标准刻面对于 UTF-8/UCS2 和 UTF-8/UCS4 转换是std::codecvt_utf8...
The `wstring` data type in C++ is used to represent strings of wide characters. The `c_str()` function is used to convert a `wstring` into a null-terminated `const wchar_t*` string.Example 1: #include #include int main() { std::wstring myString = L"Hello, world!"; const wchar...
std::stringtext =arg.ToString(); Super::AppendString(strRef, pattern, text.c_str(), text.size());returntrue; } };//convert Vector3 to wstringtemplate <>classTTranslator< wchar_t, Vector3 >:publicTTranslatorBase< wchar_t, Vector3 >{public: ...
{ }// Helper for converting std::string to std::wstringstd::wstringto_wstring(conststd::string& str)const{ std::wstring output; std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(output));returnoutput; }// Called after a failed assertion or a SUCCEED() invocation.voidOnTestPart...
1)轉換byte為wide_string,如同它是長為1的字元串。 2)轉換始於ptr所指向字元的空終止多位元組字元序列為wide_string。 3)轉換窄字元串str為wide_string。 4)轉換窄多位元組字元序列[first,last)為wide_string。 所有情況下,轉換以初始遷移狀態起始,除非提供了非初始起始狀態給此wstring_convert的構造函數。...
Converts a numeric value tostd::wstring. Letbufbe an internal to the conversion functions buffer, sufficiently large to contain the result of conversion. 1)Converts a signed decimal integer to a wide string as if bystd::swprintf(buf, sz, L"%d", value). ...
to string: rtsp.port = 554 to string: math.PI = 3.1415926 to string: math.PI = 3.1415926 to double: math.PI = 3.1415926 to int: math.PI = 3 to wstring: other.desc= 你好,世界 [jn@jn example]$ 生成config.ini ```bash [jn@jn example]$ cat config.ini ...
<cpp |locale |wstring convert Defined in header<locale> byte_string to_bytes(Elem wchar); (1) byte_string to_bytes(constElem*wptr); (2) byte_string to_bytes(constwide_string&wstr); (3) byte_string to_bytes(constElem*first,constElem*last); ...