herebedragons - A basic 3D scene implemented with various engines, frameworks or APIs. [MIT] website Horde3D - A small 3D rendering and animation engine. [EPL] Ion - A small and efficient set of libraries for building cross-platform client or server applications that use 3D graphics. [Apac...
🎯 200 LeetCode Top Interview Questions: Optimal Solutions with Detailed Explanations for Easy/Medium/Hard Levels to Ace Coding Interviews Topics data-structures-and-algorithms Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 63 stars Watc...
Awesome interview questions - A list of lists of interview questions for the most popular technologies, including C and C++. nothings/single_file_libs - List of single-file C/C++ libraries. Jobs This list is currently empty, but you can add to it by opening a merge request. Sponsors Please...
As I mentioned last weekend, I’vestarted a wiki with “Design notes”about specific aspects of the design to answer why I’ve made them they way they currently are… basic rationale, alternatives considered, in a nutshell, as quick answers to common questions I encounter repeatedly. ...
TABLE 1. Basic characteristics of study participants by site (n = 355) CharacteristicaClinical siteGeneral population site n = 154n = 201 Child's age (yrs) mean (SD) 3.5 (0.7) 4.1 (0.2) Child's sex Male 112 (73%) 68 (34%) Female 42 (27%) 133 (66%)b Informant's relationship...
This blog will discuss what vectors are, how to declare and initialize them, some basic vector operations and vector functions available in the C++ programming language with examples.
As discussed above, the basic use of a while loop is to execute a body of statements repeatedly. They are particularly useful when we do not know the number of iterations beforehand. A while loop is used to iterate through anarrayor a list. We can sort the array, process numbers in the...
Basic Input/Output Data Structures Classes & Objects Inheritance Overloading Interfaces Files and Streams Exception Handling Dynamic Memory Templates Preprocessor Questions and Answers Standard Library What is the output of this program? #include using namespace std; int glob = 12;...
C++ Hello, World! Program - Printing Hello, World! is the first program in C++. Here, this prints Hello, World on the console (output screen). To start learning C++, it is the first step to print sometime on the screen.