根据官方数据,CPM S45VN钢在韧性、耐磨性、防锈性和边缘保持性方面都有出色的表现。在测试中,它比S30V的韧性提高了10%,比154CM的韧性提高了近4倍。在边缘保持性方面,它比154CM提高了15%,比S35VN也有小幅提升。此外,它的防锈性能是经典不锈...
S30V had increased Mo over the earlier S90V/S60V for improved corrosion resistance, and that trend continued thereafter with other Crucible products. However, a version of S125V with 2.7% Mo was in the S90V patent,
S30V was developed by Crucible and released at the end of 2001. As I began to be interested in knives and steel in my teens the idea of developing a new steel was very interesting to me. Not necessarily as something I would do myself, but development of new products, knowledge of the ...