there is a very specific reason that cobalt is found in S110V. When knife steel is heat treated you have to heat it to high temperature to “austenitize” the steel prior to
Take Spyderco’s most iconic folder and introduce the highest alloy stainless steel, CPM S110V then incorporate the latest design improvements and what you have is the ultimate in high performance. The performance of the Spyderco Military was legendary already. Using CPM S110V steel takes it off...
Spyderco’s Native® 5 Lightweight CPM S110V combines the highly evolved form, function, and ergonomics of the Native 5 Lightweight with state-of-the-art CPM® S110V blade steel. CPM S110V is a high-alloy martensitic stainless tool steel manufactured by the Crucible® Particle Metallurgy...
CPM S110V blade steel is produced using a CPM - Crucible Particle Metallurgy process developed by Crucible Industries of Solvay, New York, U.S.A. What differentiates CPM S110V from other blade steels is its volume of vanadium-rich (9.0%) and niobium-rich (3.0%) alloys which classify it ...
查看样本合金摘要数据表(PDF)自1952年以来,合金摘要一直是世界各地使用的金属和合金材料性能数据的主要参考.以图表,图表和表格为特色,这些表格给出了有关成分或特性,物理和机械性能,热处理和可加工性的事实和数字.CPM S110V是一种粉末冶金生产的高合金马氏体不锈钢工具钢,具有高体积分数的合金碳化物,具有耐磨性....
挂带孔, 套夹 类别 战术折刀 您可能也对这些产品感兴趣 Spyderco Flytanium Victorinox ESEE Spyderco Manix 2 CPM S110V Dark Blue G-10 折叠刀 Flytanium Lotus Brass Scales for Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Knife - Stonewash Victorinox Dual Sharpener ESEE Fire Steel $236.65 $87.65 $15.78 $37.69 La...
Takefu Special Steel 在1959年左右研发的专业刀具钢 距现在大约60多年 可能和154CM的开发时间差不多 武生特殊钢 在1991年还研发出一种刀钢 Super Gold 2 (SG2) 是一个高等级的粉末冶金不锈钢 SG2 的性能与其他粉末不锈钢 如Elmax 和 S35VN非常相似
stainlesstoolsteel producedbytheCrucibleParticleMetallurgy(CPM) process.CPMS110Vcontainsahighvolumefractionof bothvanadium-richandniobium-richprimaryalloycarbides forexceptionallygoodwearresistancecomparedtoother commerciallyavailablePMtoolsteels.Italsooffersbetter corrosionresistancethan440CorCPMS90V. CPMS110Viscurrently...
从Lamnia 购买 Spyderco Para 3 G-10 Dark Blue CPM S110V 折叠刀 C223GPDBL。免运费! 刀片 CPM S110V, Blade grind Full Flat, 刀片涂层/表面处理 Satin, 锁定机制 Compression lock, 打开机制 推刀孔,
与S90V相比, S110V以牺牲一些韧性为代价提高了耐腐蚀性。AEB-L和14C28N是高韧性组中最好的。LC200N具有与这两者类似的特性,但具有盐水级别的耐腐蚀性。主要缺点是钢更难热处理,并且硬度不能超过 60 或 61 Rc。最平衡的是CPM-MagnaCut它位于图表上的一个区域中。该钢不含碳化铬,因此具有类似于 CPM-4V 和 ...