速览:ColdSteel FX-10CHP JIMI SLASH 竞赛用平头砍 Kray-Ex柄附皮鞘直(CPM-3V钢)限量版 75 0 00:27 App 速览:ColdSteel 20NPFZ 芬兰狼 绿色柄钢本色折 AUS-8A 缎面 Finn Wolf 686 0 00:47 App 3V汉棍 15.9万 62 00:57 App 尼泊尔弯刀拼夕夕 2.8包邮? 523 0 00:29 App 速览:Microtech美国微...
手柄材质:Kray-Ex 钢材类型:CPM 3V 品牌:冷钢 颜色:黑色 手柄长度:13.5厘米 长度:33厘米 手柄材质:Kray-Ex 叨鞘/套材质:Secure-Ex 钢材类型:CPM 3V 刃面处理:DLC钻石涂层 叨具类型:战术叨 叨型:T头 有鞘
速览:ColdSteel FX-10CHP JIMI SLASH 竞赛用平头砍 Kray-Ex柄附皮鞘直(CPM-3V钢)限量版, 视频播放量 12、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 刃物-旺财, 作者简介 ,相关视频:速览:华诺手工 Rambo 兰博 沧桑石洗刃面 一体龙骨 犀利背
将硬度处理至HRC58~60时,其耐冲击韧 性明显高于D2以及CPM M4,接近S7耐冲击钢水平,可解决崩角问题。在耐磨性上,其3%的钒含量使CPM 3V耐磨 性大大超过A2和D2,接近M2。 由于其回火温度较高,这种热稳定性有利于涂镀或氮化等表面处理。如果选材要求需 具有耐冲击工具钢的高韧性,而且要具备高合金钢的耐磨性,那么...
CPM粉末钢(CPM powder steel)是美国Crucible公司的总称,又称“Crucible Steel”公司,采用颗粒冶金工艺(CPM)制造高速工具钢和其他高合金工具钢。“CPM流程”早在1970年就形成了。几十年后,冶炼技术更加娴熟、稳定、高效。CPM工具钢质量均匀,无偏析,晶粒度极细,耐磨,韧性高,热处理后尺寸稳定。美国熔炉斯伯是北美...
Let us discuss CPM 3V steel when it comes to its performance in a knife. Again, consider the four properties of knife steel: Toughness - This steel has outstanding toughness, so you can expect it to survive abuse in the field and in survival scenarios. This is the principle reason to sel...
Blade Steel: CPM 3V Blade Length: 9 1/2" Overall Length: 14 5/8" Knife Type: Fixed Blade Length Range: 5+ in Steel Family: CPM Blade Shape: Clip Point Reviews From Past Customers Related Products From the same Collection Sale MASTER TANTO (CPM 3V) 5.0 (4) 5.0 out...
BLADE MATERIAL: CPM 3V Steel 59-61 HRC BLADE FINISH: Bead Blasted with Cerakote Coating HANDLE: Contoured OD Green G-10 WEIGHT: 10.3 oz. SHEATH: Black Kydex with Black Nylon Belt Attachment Related Items Shipping & Returns USA - Free Shipping on US orders over $150. Most shipments arrive...
Awesome is the only adjective that even begins to describe the Cold Steel Laredo Bowie. In fact, it really has to be seen to be appreciated, since mere words just don't do it justice. It features a long, heavy blade made from 4034SS stainless steel, which is flat ground to produce ...
CPM 3V is a high toughness, wear-resistant tool steel made by the Crucible Particle Metallurgy process. It is designed to provide maximum resistance to breakage and chipping in a high wear-resistance steel. It offers impact resistance greater than A2, D2, Cru-Wear, or CPM M4, approaching th...