I’m excited to see how Spyderco cooked these up, but this season of releases has me thinking about the future. T15, 10v, the upcoming K294 and 15v are all in the same ballpark of performance. I am curious if they heat treated in a way to distinguish these more from one another. I...
生产出的刀具硬度高,保持性,研磨难度稍高。目前用其生产刀具的代表性公司为蜘蛛(Spyderco)和花田洋(ROCKSTEAD);其中蜘蛛更多生产大众化的高性价比折刀,花田洋则更倾向于精品收藏级别的高价刀具。蜘蛛官方称其热处理过后硬度能打到62-64HRC,而花田洋则为66-67HRC。x0dx0a 评价:首先我很喜欢这个钢材。ZDP-189是...