For NVIDIA Quantum and Spectrum-2 switches, the CPLD update can be performed via GPIO instead using the firmware interface. By default, cpldupdate will use GPIO for Quantum and Spectrum-2 switches (if"--dev"option is specified), However, the user can use the"--fw"opt...
查询和设置主密钥自动更新间隔(securityenhance -d masterkeyupdateinterval) 查询和设置自动发现配置(autodiscovery) 查询和设置受控上电配置(poweronpermit) 查询和清除上电锁的锁定状态(poweronlock) 用户管理命令 NTP命令 指示灯命令 风扇命令 传感器命令 电源命令 SOL命令 常用维护命令 ...
查询和设置主密钥自动更新间隔(securityenhance -d masterkeyupdateinterval) 查询和设置自动发现配置(autodiscovery) 查询和设置受控上电配置(poweronpermit) 查询和清除上电锁的锁定状态(poweronlock) 重启鲲鹏智能管理引擎(resetiME) 用户管理命令 NTP命令 指示灯命令 风扇命令 传感器命令 电源命令 SOL命令 常用维护命...
一种CPLD固件更新方法,用于更新服务器端中的CPLD固件,其主要将服务器中的CPLD通过JTAG接口与BMC的GPIO接口相连接,以直接通过BMC控制执行CPLD的固件更新操作. One kind of CPLD firmware update method for updating the firmware on the server side of the CPLD, the main server in the CPLD through the JTAG ...
目前只能在服务器掉电的情况下更新cpld。如果服务器系统起来了,在bmcweb无法通过固件更新把cpld更新成功,后端会有提示,前端暂时没做。 journalctl /usr/local/ 找两个不同版本的cpld,更新前后比对一下功能就可以测试过jtag驱动是否正常。如果一直更新失败,尝试在bmc中断执行以下程序: busctl tree xyz....
def update_cpld(): file = open('test.txt','a+') node_status = os.popen("mtinq lsservicenodes -delim ,|awk -F \",\" \'{print &7}\' |head -2 |tail -1").read()[:-1] if node_status == 'services' or node_status == 'canididate': ...
Generally, the firmware update is activated from HPE OneView. Alternatively, you can update only the CPLD firmware from the appliance Maintenance Console. The CPLD firmware update process does not cause any downtime of either the appliance or a resource operating on the appliance. ...
582 - The System Programmable Logic Device revision in this system does not meet minimum requirements for operation with HPE Persistent Memory. Current revision: 0x0D. Action: Update the System Programmable Logic Device to revision 0x0D or greater. ...
一种CPLD固件更新方法,用于更新服务器端中的CPLD固件,其主要将服务器中的CPLD通过JTAG接口与BMC的GPIO接口相连接,以直接通过BMC控制执行CPLD的固件更新操作. One kind of CPLD firmware update method for updating the firmware on the server side of the CPLD, the main server in the CPLD through the JTAG ...
We are Using several MAX3000 CPLD devices in a JTAG series chain for programming. Is it possible to reprogram one device in the chain without interrupting the operation of other devices at all (no glitches etc.) to enable live firmware update of some of the devices? Can anyone provide ...