CPI )按年上涨0.5%,高於市场预期涨0.3%。其中,城市上涨0.5%,农村上涨0.7%;食品价格持平,非食品价格上涨0.7%;消费品价格上涨0.5%,服务价格上涨0.6%。今年首七个月平均,全国居民消费价格比上年同期上涨0.2%。 7月全国居民消费价格按月上涨0.5%。其中,城市上涨0.6%,农村上涨0.4%;食品价格上涨1.2%,非食品价格上涨0....
意大利统计局公布,7月份经欧盟调和消费物价(HICP)按月跌0.8%,市场预期跌1.2%。前值升0.2%。以年率计,7月份HICP按年升幅由前值0.9%,扩大至1.7%。市场预期升1.2%。 期内,7月消费物价指数( CPI )按月升幅,由6月份0.1%扩大至0.5%,高於市场预期升0.3%;按年升幅,由6月份0.8%扩大至1.3%,市场预期升1.1%。核心...
The information, financial market data, quotes, charts, statistics, exchange rate, news, research, analysis, buy and sell ratings, Education Center and other information on this app/website should be used as references only at your own discretion. Prior to the execution of a security or any ...
BEIJING, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The following are the highlights of China's business news from the past week: -- CPI, PPI China's consumer price index (CPI), the main gauge of inflation, grew 4.3 percent year on year last month, moderating from the 5.2-percent gain in February. China'...
相较于热辣的非农,华尔街眼下更不想看到的,或许当属滚烫的CPI。而随着上周五的非农已经给美国市场带来了一次不小的“惊吓”,所有人或许都正盯着今晚,美国市场是否会马不停蹄在CPI之夜掀起更为猛烈的惊涛骇浪…… 按照日程安排,美国劳工统计局将于北京时间今晚21点半公布12月CPI数据,这也将是上周五非农夜之后华尔...
澳元/美元一周展望:季度CPI将决定2月是否降息AUD/USD -0.62% AXJO -0.12% 对于关注澳洲联储的人士而言,周三公布的通胀数据是重中之重,因为这可能决定澳洲联储是否会在2月扣动扳机实施降息。虽然货币市场预计下周降息的概率为79.2%,但本月初1月消费者物价指数数据公布后,鸽派预期再度升温,而这一预期有待季度数...
MARC CHANDLER, CHIEF MARKET STRATEGIST, BANNOCKBURN GLOBAL FOREX, NEW YORK “The CPI is in line with expectations. What surprises me is that this is the second month in a row that the CPI has ticked up. The job growth was slightly above average, and the Atlanta Fed says the econom...
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In other central bank news, the Bank of Canada meets later Wednesday and the Swiss National Bank meets on Thursday just ahead of the ECB. The BoC is seen as likely to cut by a half point which is helping to pin the loonie near a 4-1/2-year trough to the greenback. ...
ANZ's preview of the data due today and the implications for the Reserve Bank of Australia policy meeting on August 1: • We expect both headline (+6.2% YoY) and trimmed mean inflation (+5.9% YoY) to have moderated in Q2. • The RBA will likely take comfort that inflation appears ...