Tokyo Core Inflation Surpasses Expectations in March TRADING ECONOMICS Subscriptions We have a plan for your needs. Standard users can export data in a easy to use web interface. Advanced users can use our excel add-in or our Python/R/Matlab packages. API users can feed a custom application....
Core PPI MoM Core PPI YoY Core Producer Prices CPI CPI Core Core YoY CPI Housing Utilities CPI Median CPI s.a CPI Transportation CPI Trimmed-Mean Energy Inflation Export Prices Export Prices MoM Export Prices YoY Food Inflation GDP Price Index Import Prices Import Prices MoM Import Prices YoY ...
US CPI takes focus going forward, with the greenback modestly softer headed into the figure. Markets expect inflation to have faded further in May - helping justify a possible pause in rate hike increases this Wednesday - putting M/M CPI at 0.1% and Y/Y at 4.1%, although core metrics are...
January was up-revised to worst increase since August 2023, PPI inflation doubling in 12 months. February unchanged, waiting for up-revision. Beneath the Skin of CPI Inflation: Pace Slows from Spike Last Month, but 6-Month CPI Accelerates Further, Wors...