Interestingly, the presence of the TLR9 ligand CpG was able to prevent the inhibition of T-cell proliferation. This was paralleled by a reduced PGE2 production by keratinocytes and a down-regulated T regulatory cell function. Our results indicate that the inhibitory capacity of keratinocytes in the...
统一社会信用代码/营业执照税号:92320592MA27CPG10F 工商登记证号(工商注册号):320592600165626 企业名称:张家港市后塍小覃车行(点击查看企业法人、注册资金、经营范围等相关资料。) 组织机构代码:MA27CPG10 注册日期:2021年11月5日(点击查看在2021年11月5日注册的单位或企业) ...
The present invention relates to therapeutic applications of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide for skin diseases. CpG oligodeoxynucleotides according to the present invention (CpG ODN), CpD ODN with a phosphorothioate backbone, and in both cases the CpD ODN with a phosphodiester backbone, shows the ...