RA(Retirement Account) 公民或永久居民达到55周岁时,CPF的OA和SA账户里的钱会被自动转入RA(Retirement Account)。由于RA中的资金以6%的年化利率计息,不少人也会选择手动向RA充钱。 而在新加坡公民和永久居民到达65周岁时,若RA储值满6万新币,会自动加入CPF LIFE计划。若资金不足,也可在80周岁之前手动申请加入。
最重要的一点是,CPF充钱优先级最高的是MA,随后是SA,再然后才轮到OA。如果有些人的MA已经到达了Basic Healthcare Sum,那么再充入MA的前就会根据年纪或者进入SA(低于55岁)或者进入RA(高于55岁)。那么如果SA里的钱已经到达了FRS或者RA里面的钱到达了FRS(或者是有一套房产+RA到达BRS),多出来的钱就会流入OA。这...
There will also be no changes to the current Additional Wage ceiling and CPF Annual Limit, which will remain at SGD 102,000 and SGD 37,740, respectively. To simplify the new changes, here is an overview of the 2025 CPF contribution rate tables:...
There is a specific limit to how much a Singaporean can contribute to their CPF accounts each month; that limit is called CPF Wage Ceiling. There are two types of contribution caps: Ordinary Wage Ceiling: It is a CPF contribution limit on every Singaporean’s monthly salary and is currently...
Once your RA is formed, the RSTU switches to RA and the limit is extended to ERS, which you can also do immediately in cash if you don’t care about the tax relief. Some parents are even topping up their child’s CPF to the FRS maximum because the rates are so good. However ...
There will also be no changes to the current Additional Wage ceiling and CPF Annual Limit, which will remain at SGD 102,000 and SGD 37,740, respectively. To simplify the new changes, here is an overview of the 2025 CPF contribution rate tables:...
There will also be no changes to the current Additional Wage ceiling and CPF Annual Limit, which will remain at SGD 102,000 and SGD 37,740, respectively. To simplify the new changes, here is an overview of the 2025 CPF contribution rate tables:...