We will settle all your investment transactions, including liaising between CPF Board and organisations like broking firms, banks, insurance companies, fund management companies and bond dealers. Making an investment Invest using the funds from your CPF Ordinary Account (first S$20,000 cannot be inve...
同时,新加坡政府也为每个人的CPF存款提供一个基本无风险的保底利息,普通户头(Ordinary Account,简称OA)当前的基本年利率为2.5%,特别户头(Special Account,简称SA)和保健储蓄户头(Medisave Account,简称MA)则为4%。相比于本地银行低得可怜的存款利率,可以说相当“感人”了。 不过,如果从投资的角度来看,CPF尤其是OA...
(Refund of Balance in CPFIA To CPF Ordinary Account CPFIA Balance Enquiry CPFIA Refund Share Holding Enquiry IPO Application (Not applicable to SRS Accounts) To ensure that your statement of account and other written correspondences are posted to the correct address, please update CPF Investment ...
CPF(Central Provident Fund)中文可译为中央公积金,是一项新加坡政府建立的面向所有新加坡公民以及永久居民的社会保障储蓄计划,需要每一位参与者按月缴纳。CPF一共分三个户头,普通户头(Ordinary Account, OA),特别户头(Special Account, SA)以及...
Ordinary Account(OA),用于购屋、支付保险、投资和教育。 2、特别账户 Special Account(SA),用于投资老年、退休相关的金融商品。 3、保健储蓄账户 Medisave Account(MA),用于住院和经核准的医疗保险。55岁以下的雇员公积金率是37%,不过自2023年1月1日开始,55岁以上且月收入超过750新币的新雇员,公积金的缴纳率将有...
Ordinary Account(OA),用于购屋、支付保险、投资和教育。 2、特别账户 Special Account(SA),用于投资老年、退休相关的金融商品。 3、保健储蓄账户 Medisave Account(MA),用于住院和经核准的医疗保险。55岁以下的雇员公积金率是37%,不过自2023年1月1日开始,55岁以上且月收入超过750新币的新雇员,公积金的缴纳率将有...
OA 账户(ordinary account)-可以用来购买保险(insurance),房屋(housing),教育(education)和投资(investment fund)SA账户(special account)-主要帮助养老金的存储(saving for retirement)medisave 账户-用来应付医疗(medical bill)这个账户的钱是可以取出来的,但是它必须保持一个最低额度和最高额度 ,分别是40500新币和...
Ordinary Account(OA),用于购屋、支付保险、投资和教育。 2、特别账户 Special Account(SA),用于投资老年、退休相关的金融商品。 3、保健储蓄账户 Medisave Account(MA),用于住院和经核准的医疗保险。55岁以下的雇员公积金率是37%,不过自2023年1月1日开始,55岁以上且月收入超过750新币的新雇员,公积金的缴纳率将有...
An employee's CPF account is split into 4, which include: Ordinary Account: Used for retirement, insurance, housing, and investment. MediSave Account: Used for hospitalisation expenses and approved medical insurance. Special Account: Used for old age and investments in financial products related to...
CPF Ordinary Account (OA)is meant for Housing, Insurance and Investment purposes. Cash balance in the OA yields 2.5% p.a. interest rate(versus 4% p.a. for SA, MA and RA accounts), so it can make sense to transfer your OA cash balance over to your SA account to earn the additional...