2. 转钱之后,SA里的存款不能超过法定要求的存款底限(CPF Minimum Sum)。 04、退休账户(Retirement Account) CPF规定新加坡公民以及永久居民于55周岁时需要保留148000新币的最低余额(minimum sum),该最低余额将来自特别户头以及普通户头,统一存入退休户头(Retirement Account)。 如果此两项账户不能满足最低余额,个...
Basic Retirement Sum or Full Retirement Sum (FRS = BRS x 2) orEnhanced Retirement Sum (ERS = BRS x 3). Whenever a Singaporean turns 55, the OA and SA will combine to make the Retirement Account. The CPF member will draw a lump sum, leaving the retirement sum behind in the RA to ...