之前,公积金月薪顶限为6000新元,2023年9月已调高至6300新元;2024年1月将再调整至6800新元,到2025年和2026年,分别再增600新元,最终达到8000新元。 02、CPF利率 CPF Interest rate 上图为CPF三个账户的年利率浮动区间。在实际计算中,OA的利息每个季度审核一次,其利率为法定的2.5%,或该季度内本地银行的平均利率,...
如果接下来继续加息,定存达到3%以上,那OA是有可能调整的,不过中短期看起来可能性不大。 顺便一提,HDB loan是和OA绑定的,等于OA interest rate + 0.1%。因此,不要以为HDB loan永远都等于2.6%。 SA、MA和RA(SMRA)账户的利率则是和十年期新加坡国债绑定,在此基础上加1%。目前十年期国债在2.5-3%之间,如果继续...
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and Housing Board will remain offering assurance on CPF savings by maintaining the 4% floor rate. The Special, MediSave and Retirement account (SMRA) interest rate is set to increase to 4.14% in the fourth quarter from the previous 4.08% in the third...
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and Housing Board will remain offering assurance on CPF savings by maintaining the 4% floor rate. The Special, MediSave and Retirement account (SMRA) interest rate is set to increase to 4.14% in the fourth quarter from the previous 4.08% in the third...
If you still have not paid your employees’ CPF contributions after this grace period has ended, you will have to pay a late payment interest of 18% per annum (1.5% per month) starting from the first day of the following month. Following the example provided above, you will have to star...
. Feb 2025Dec 2024Oct 2024Aug 2024Jun 2024Apr 202415202530 End of interactive chart. 52 Week Range 18.19 33.25 Day Range 29.40 29.95 EPS (FWD) 2.75 PE (FWD) 10.75 Div Rate (FWD) $1.08 Yield (FWD) 3.65% Short Interest 3.01% Market Cap $800.03M Volume 87,098 Prev. Close $29.56...
(472) FCFF 654 Terminal value Total cash flow 654 Discount rate 0.96 Present value of cash flow 625 Total present value of cash 17,937 flow Deduct: Accrued Dividend (214) payable Deduct: Accrued Dividend (800) payable (as specified in SPA) Deduct: Interest bearing debt (5,092) Add: ...
Interest looks enticing (no pun there). The part the sucks for US citizens is that it'll all be taxed, so that's at least 1/3 out if one is above the exclusion/deduction limit. But still enough of a reason to maximize CPF (I'm only 5 years PR so far but hope to reach those...
Most economists think this week's hike in the Fed's benchmark rate, to about 5.3%, will be the last, though they caution that that rate, which affects many consumer and business loans, will likely stay at a peak until well into 2024. “I would have been not...
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