Amounts above the BHS will flow to your Special or Retirement Accounts to boost your monthly payouts. This applies regardless of your age. The BHS is set at $52,000 on 1 January 2017 for all CPF members No further increases in the Basic Healthcare Sum from age 65 CPF Life Payout Augus...
CPF LIFE tierRetirement sum amount (at age 55)Estimated monthly payout (starting age 65) Basic Retirement Sum $88,000 $730 to $790 Full Retirement Sum $176,000 $1,350 to $1,450 Enhanced Retirement Sum $264,000 $1,960 to $2,110 If the CPF member does not even manage to meet the...
immediately, you can choose to delay your starting payout age. Instead of 65, you can delay it up to age 70. This will let you receive a higher payout later on as you would have accumulated more funds. For every year pay outs are delayed, your monthly payouts mayincrease by up to ...