2023年2月14日,新加坡副总理兼财政部部长黄循财发布“2023财政年预算案声明”指出,为了跟上工资上涨的步伐和协助民众积累更多退休储蓄,新加坡政府将从2023年9月1日起,分四次逐步调高须缴交公积金的每月薪金顶限,直到2026年上调至8000新元。 之前,公积金月薪顶限为6000新元,2023年9月已调高至6300新元;2024年1月将再...
Employer contribution rate for 2025 Since the implementation of this increment, the monthly CPF Ordinary Wage ceiling has been raised twice: from SGD6,000 to SGD6,300 on September 1st, 2023, and then to SGD6,800 on January 1st, 2024....
I've just done the max allowable inter CPF transfer of 9k from OA and SA to RA to maximise RA interest for 2022. The new CPF MA limit is 66k so I'll top up that by 3k this month once my payment from offshore comes in. It appears the contribution limit is still $37,740. Once...
Employer contribution rate for 2025 Since the implementation of this increment, the monthly CPF Ordinary Wage ceiling has been raised twice: from SGD6,000 to SGD6,300 on September 1st, 2023, and then to SGD6,800 on January 1st, 2024....
Employer contribution rate for 2025 Since the implementation of this increment, the monthly CPF Ordinary Wage ceiling has been raised twice: from SGD6,000 to SGD6,300 on September 1st, 2023, and then to SGD6,800 on January 1st, 2024....