CPF主要分三个户头: 01普通户头(Ordinary Account) 02特别户头(Special Account) 03医疗户头(Medisave Account) 01 普通户头 普通户头( Ordinary Account):主要用于日常需要,可用于购房,投资,教育,退休等等。 买房:普通账户可用于支付购买房产,最高可提取金额由所购买房屋价格以及房屋使用年限以及最年轻购买者的年...
CPF Special Account,简称SA,只可用作退休储蓄,或可用于投资退休相关的金融产品,且只能在退休后取出。新加坡男女性退休年龄均为62岁。由于SA的回报率是保证4%到5%之间,在新加坡储蓄类产品里已经算高的了,小编建议大家对SA账户“无为而治”,不需要使用SA里的钱做投资。 Medisave Account CPF Medisave Account,简称M...
CPF Special Account,简称SA,只可用作退休储蓄,或可用于投资退休相关的金融产品,且只能在退休后取出。新加坡男女性退休年龄均为62岁。由于SA的回报率是保证4%到5%之间,在新加坡储蓄类产品里已经算高的了,小编建议大家对SA账户“无为而治”,不需要使用SA里的钱做投资。 Medisave Account CPF Medisave Account,简称M...
If the employee belongs to the age range of 35 to 55, they will see a gradual shift in the allocation of contributions from their Ordinary Account to their MediSave Account (MA) and Special Account (SA). Between the ages of 50 and 55, the MA and SA contributions will amount to 10.5...
SINGAPORE 1.0BACKGROUND The Central Provident Fund (CPF) was established in 1955 as a compulsory social security savings scheme to provide financial security for workers in their retirement or when they were no longer able to work. Over the years, it has evolved into a comprehensive social ...
MINISTRY OF FINANCEEmployer contribution rates to the Medisave Account (MA) will be increased by 1 percentage point to help workers save for their future healthcare expenses. MA contribution rates will also be raised by 1 percentage point for self- employed persons with annual net trade income1...
The CPF Contribution and Allocation Rates from 1 July 2007* are as follows: Age group Contribution by Employer (% of Wage) Contribution by Employee (% of Wage) Total Contribution (% of Wage) Ordinary Account (Ratio of Contribution) Special Account (Ratio of Contri-bution) Medisave Account (...
CPF Special Account,简称SA,只可用作退休储蓄,或可用于投资退休相关的金融产品,且只能在退休后取出。
CPF(Central Provident Fund)中文可译为中央公积金,是一项新加坡政府建立的面向所有新加坡公民以及永久居民的社会保障储蓄计划,需要每一位参与者按月缴纳。CPF一共分三个户头, 普通户头(Ordinary Account, OA)…