What are the differences between IAS 39 and IFRS 9? Learn about IAS 39 IFRS 9 here and understand why there are 2 standards dealing with the same issue.
However, by the end of July 2014, IFRS 9 is complete. As the process of updating my videos and articles requires some time, I’ll update these free materials fully within a few weeks. However, I’ll make note here about outdated issues, so don’t worry, I’ll not fool you with ...
I wrote this summary at the time when Phase 1 was completed and Phases 2 and 3 were still to go. However, by the end of July 2014, IFRS 9 is complete. As the process of updating my videos and articles requires some time, I’ll update these free materials fully within a few weeks....
when the company wants to.On the other hand, IFRS 9 does not allow terminating a hedge relationship voluntarily, so once you decide to apply hedge accounting under IFRS 9, you cannot discontinue it unless the risk management objective changed, the hedge expired...
A hedge accounting is an option, not an obligation – both in line with IAS 39 and IFRS 9. Terminology Both standards use the same most important terms: hedged item, hedging instrument, fair value hedge, cash flow hedge, hedge effectiveness, etc. ...
Our auditors say that we have a financial guarantee under IFRS 9 and we should account for it. But how? Also, we issued a general guarantee to support our subsidiary in case of the negative equity – should we also account for this guarantee?” ...
As the first part of the three phases of the IFRS 9,Classification and Measurementis designed with more consistent logic. The financial assets will be categorized into three groups, namely theFVPL(Fair Value through Profit and Loss),FVOCI(Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income) andAMC(Amort...
According to IFRS 9, the debts should be further split into SPPI (Solely Payments of Principal & Interest) and Non-SPPI, where the interest of the former is mainly based on time value, credit risk and liquidity risk. Scope of the IFRS 9 Assets and Liabilities ...
The end of 2018 spelled out relief for most accounting and financial modelling experts responsible for the implementation of IFRS 9: all necessary changes to accounting policies, models and methodologies were designed and enforced, all in time for a lovely Christmas break at the end of 2018!
IFRS 9: An Auditor’s Perspective by Silvia The end of 2018 spelled out relief for most accounting and financial modelling experts responsible for the implementation of IFRS 9: all necessary changes to accounting policies, models and methodologies were designed and enforced, all in time for a...