3.3 Sale, import or use of DG sets not complying with the rules prohibited 禁止销售,进口或者使用不符合条例的发电机组 No person shall sell, import or use of a product model, which is not having a valid Type Approval certificate and Conformity of Production certificate. ...
Shree Krishana Enterprises is given to Approve EPR Authorizing Certification License for Indian Importer. EPR authorization is mandatory for All Indian Importers & Manufacturer of electrical & electronic goods equipment according to Govt. of India.
印度_CPCB_噪音排放标准 The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 1986年环境保护条例 Table 1表1 PRIMARY WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR BATHING WATER 淋浴用途澄清水质量标准 (Water used for organized outdoor bathing)户外淋浴用水