association between bTB infection in badgers and cattle,spatio-temporal modeling,geostatistical models,Four Area ProjectIn Ireland and in the UK, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) infects cattle and wildlife badgers (Meles meles linnaeus) and badgers contribute to the spread of the ...
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同时BTB的企业服务成为新亮点,这两年腾讯重金打造的腾讯云科技有力增强了腾讯的抗风险能力,腾讯云全球份额已从第十八名攀升到第五名。 ·在线教育和医疗,下一站爆发? 这次的疫情,显示出了线上教育和医疗服务的广阔前景,阿里的钉钉一跃成为疫情间下载量排行第一的App,并成功出海。腾讯视频、线上教育等市场的需求无法...
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BTB/POZ domain-containing 3 () was identified as a potential risk gene in the first genome-wide association study of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). BTBD3 is a putative transcription factor implicated in dendritic pruning in developing primary sensory cortices. We assessed whether BTBD3 also...
The ability of these peptides to cross the blood鈥搕umor barrier(BTB) was also determined. The results indicate that the coupled Y-shaped peptide ~DA7R鈥揋ICP exhibited improved tumor and neovasculature targeting ability and had higher efficiency in crossing the...
ABBREVIATIONS: BTB: blood-testis barrier; DD: death domains; DR3: death receptor 3; DR4: death receptor 4; DR5: death receptor 5; DED: death effector domain; DISC: death-inducing signaling complex; ER卤: estrogen receptor alpha; FADD: Fas-ass...
BTB also satisfies best the requirement of a distinguishable color change with naked eye when encapsulated in nanofibers. The exploited ionic liquids enhanced the long-term stabilities of the sensing slides. Besides, they facilitated the fabrication of nano fibers pr...