欧洲约17%的NICU在应用NHFV 主要应用于CPAP治疗失败的患儿 Fischer HS, Bohlin K, Buhrer C, et al. Nasal high-frequency oscillationventilation in neonates: a survey in five European countries. Eur J Pediatr 2015;174(4):465-71 无创呼吸...
This study will be the first large trial aiming to compare the long-term use of CPAP vs NIPPV vs NHFOV in preterm neonates after surfactant replacement and during their entire NICU stay, to reduce the total need/duration of IMV. Noninvasive respiratory support is often used for several weeks...
NIPPVvs nCPAP · 荟萃分析8项研究,n=1316 · 拔管后分别使用NIPPV 或 nCPAP · 5项研究使用同步NIPPV,2项研究使用非同步NIPPV,1项研究使用了同步和非同步 · 显著减少拔管失败的风险 – typicalRR 0.71, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.82; – typicalRD -0.12, 95% CI -0.17 to -0.07; – NNTB 8, 95% CI...