4. From the control panel“Software” section choose“Select PHP Version”. 5. Press the highlighted button and choose the suitable PHP version. To save changes, press “Set as current” which is to the right of the PHP version button. The change in the PHP version is immediate. The vers...
Setup Node.js App: 在主机上部署和管理 Node.js 应用程序。 Select PHP Version: 选择和配置不同的 PHP 版本,以确保兼容性和性能。 Setup Python App: 在主机上部署和管理 Python 应用程序和 Python 虚拟环境。 Advanced – 进阶工具 在ChemiCloud 的 cPanel 中,“Advanced”部分提供了一系列高级工具,用于管理...
下面跟着魏艾斯博客来看看吧 1、登陆siteground账号,点击cPanel中的 PHP Version Manager 工具。 ? 2、点击文件夹图标,选择你想要改变php版本的文件夹。 如果你也正有购买或更换外贸空间的想法,那么请移步Siteground注册购买图文教程。特别是外贸公司网站、电子商务网站都比较适合扔上去,不用像云服务器操那么多的心。
How to Change PHP Version from cPanel? How to Uninstall WordPress Using Softaculous? How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous? How to clean trash file in cPanel? How to Create Web Mail in cPanel ? How to Change Your cPanel Password?
PHP 8.0 was released on November 26, 2020, and reaches its end-of-life on November 26, 2023. As a result, it is no longer supported, and security vulnerabilities will no longer be patched. To align with this change, PHP 8.0 has been removed from cPanel & WHM provided default Easy...
基本信息 发布日期:2023-06-26(官方当地时间) 更新类型:安全更新 更新版本:113.9999.81 感知时间:2023-10-04 09:51:45 风险等级:未知 情报贡献:TSRC 来源链接 https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CL/113+Change+Log 更新标题 Change Log for 113.9999.81 ...
{yourWHMCS}/modules/servers/cpanelExtended/lang/english.php An add records according to the system names of PHP versions you want to change. E.g.: $_LANG['phpVersion']['ea-php54'] = 'PHP 5.4'; $_LANG['phpVersion']['ea-php55'] = 'PHP 5.5'; $_LANG['phpVersion']['ea-php...
Permission denied:The item (file or user) does not have permission to access. This guide will show you:How to Change File Permissions. Here are common databases (such as PHP) and other types of error log terminology you may see:
基本信息 发布日期:2021-09-23(官方当地时间) 更新类型:安全更新 更新版本:99.9999.108 感知时间:2021-11-18 10:37:58 风险等级:未知 情报贡献:TSRC 来源链接 https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CL/99+Change+Log 更新标题 Change Log for 99.9999.108 ...
All information regarding your account and the hosting server. Including disk usage, bandwidth usage, IP address, server name, PHP version etc. ● Main tasks ○ Change Password ○ Update Contact Information ○ Contact your hosting provider