要授予远程用户访问 cPanel 中的数据库,操作过程很简单,在 Add Access Host 中的 Host 文本框中,输入主机的域名或者 IP 地址即可。如果添加 IP 地址,可以使用百分号字符 (%) 作为通配符。例如,要允许来自以 192.68.0 开头的所有 IP 地址的访问,则在 Host 一栏中输入 192.68.0%。 Comment 一栏选填,是给我们自...
1、登录到cPanel账户,在管理界面,导航至Databases部分,选择Remote MySQL,如下图所示: 2、在打开的新窗口中,您会看到有Host (% wildcard is allowed)字段,在对应文本框中填写启动远程连接的IP地址。如果您想从任何IP连接,请输入%符号。您也可以在注释文本框中输入远程主机的描述: 3、远程主机设置完毕后,点击Add ...
更改MySQL用户账户密码非常简单。服务器管理员可以在WHM中编辑任何MySQL用户的帐户。cPanel用户可以编辑其帐户管理的数据库的密码。 在WHM中更改MySQL用户帐户密码 打开WHM,在侧边菜单中的SQL服务下选择“Change MySQLUser Password”。Hostease的服务器产品提供稳定可靠的性能,支持WHM面板管理,适合各类企业用户使用。 从...
cpanel-host=主机 cpanel-httpcode=Http编码 cpanel-date=日期 cpanel-httpversion=Http版本 cpanel-bytesize=Bytes大小 cpanel-agent=媒介 cpanel-referer=关联 cpanel-waitstats=等待统计数据编译 cpanel-includeerr=尝试带入程式时发生非严重性错误 cpanel-noftp=无启用的FTP帐号 cpanel-noftpsess=无正在进行中的...
There is no way to grant permission to just MySQL or phpMyAdmin. You can have them access the database remotely (using software such as Navicat). However, they will not be able to create databases, users or assign permissions. These functions must be performed within the cPanel. ...
在使用MySQL数据库的时候,有时候需要客户机直接远程登陆服务器的数据库 ,而不是将请求发给数据库服务器...
Databases: Here you cancreate new databases, set upremote accessto MySQL, access the databases usingphpMyAdmin, and much more. cPanel is very user friendly and is quite robust. There are numerous tools within cPanel to handle a wide variety of tasks. It contains a full help menu that is ea...
Advanced features are included in all shared cPanel hosting plans likeSSH access, PHP 7, MySQL, Perl, Python, CGI support, and Cron Jobs for developers. Talking about the hosting plans, the very basic “Spark” packed with one free domain, free SSL, 2 sites, unmetered space, bandwidth, an...
In some server configurations you may use a domain name instead of the server’s hostname. It may also be helpful to you to log into root WHM and check the currently running MySQL processes under ‘Show MySQL processes’. If you are not on a VPS, then you cannot get root access...
your web site. Access option Remote MySQL from your cPanel. Enter the IP address of the host/server to which you wish to allow access to. Click on Add Host. If you want to enable access to all, enter ‘%’ which will work as a wildcard. Enabling wildcard is a security risk though...