These testing windows equated to about 2 months on and 1 month off of testing. Here are the historical CPA exam testing windows: Quarter 1: January 1 – March 10 Quarter 2: April 1 – June 10 Quarter 3: July 1 – September 10 Quarter 4: October 1 – December 10 This CPA exam ...
Starting in 2025, the Core sections of the CPA Exam will return to continuous testing. What are the benefits of continuous testing? Easier to schedule No more “testing windows.” You now have freedom to decide when you want to sit for a Core CPA Exam section. Other than the few blackou...
Testing windows and test validity information Exam Format: The 3 Core Sections The three core sections of the Uniform CPA exam are: Auditing and Attestation (AUD) Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Regulation (REG) Each section contains five testlets, which are smaller groups of test ques...
Below are the 2016 CPA exam score release dates for the first and second quarter testing windows. As you can see, the first column is your testing date and the second and third columns are the dates when the AICPA receives your testing data and releases your advisory score. One thing to ...
CPA Exam Sections And Testing Windows Find out about each of the four individual sections of the CPA exam including what is covered on each test and what dates you can take them on. Top 11 Tips To Pass the REG CPA Exam The REG section of the CPA exam is challenging because this test ...
The CPA exam sections can be retaken each quarter during the CPA exam testing windows. There are no limits on the number of times a candidate can retake a failed section, as long as all four sections are passed within the 30-month period. ...
Discipline exams can only be taken in certain months, so make sure you plan ahead. Here are the tentative testing windows for core and discipline sections under the CPA Exam model: Q1 testing window for discipline sections: Jan. 10-Feb. 6 ...
In the past, the sections of the CPA Exam were only available to take during 4 annual testing windows. And then, from 2020 to 2o23, the CPA Exam followed a continuous testing model, meaning you could take the exam any time a Prometric testing center was open. However, blackout dates ...
In the past, you could only take the CPA Exam during certain annual testing windows. However, that has changed. So now, you’re able to sit for the exam whenever your local Prometric center is open. How to Take the CPA Exam The CPA test is computer-based and can only be taken at ...
Below are the pass rates for the calendar year 2023. SectionQ1Q2Q3CUMULATIVE REG 58.63% 59.71% 59.13% 59.19% Where and When Can You Take the IQEX Exam? The IQEX and the CPA Exam are both administered by Prometric. Prometric testing centers are available all over the world. Both the CPA ...