结果:终于拿到Internship Offer阿! 当时个人背景:一年半工作经验(ASU残疾人中心business tutor + school of engineering做了一年多会计)。GPA 4.0。 在中国学生会做副主席。参加过PwC Externship和xTax competition。 1月份的某一天,纽约的recruit...
members who were eager to help me along the way. The program had a good balance between work and fun with client tours and volunteer opportunities. I got to share this experience with the other interns I did not know at the start of the internship, but we created friendships along the ...
澳大利亚会计学毕业生如果雅思只能达到4个6,学历满足本科或者硕士层次, 课程满足至少9门核心课程的要求,CPAA可以签发临时评估函,可以用此评估函申请485签证。获得485签证后,可以申请会计专业技术移民实习生计划Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA) 或利用此时间考A类雅思,成绩满足单项不低于7分的标准...
7️⃣ SMBC日興証券 - Full Time职位:Investment Banking / 総合コース オープン採用(2025卒向け) / 金融経済調査部 ESGアナリスト / 金融経済調査部 クレジットアナリスト / Risk Management / Fixed Income- Sales and Trader - Summer Internship职位:Investment Banking / Global Market- Equity ...
5、Relevant internship experience preferred. 6、Familiarity with MS Excel and MS PowerPoint. 7、Ability to work under pressure and deliver before deadline. 8、Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills, integrating tact and diplomacy. ...
"The right person for the right job" is always our firm's recruiting strategy. We seek professionals from taxation, accounting, and other fields to match with our growth and expansion. Posts are offered to both fresh graduates and experienced professionals. We also provide an internship program ...
About the Partners Mont R. Anderson, CPAmont@pahrumpcpa.com * Received his Bachelor’s Degree from College of Southern Utah (Currently Southern Utah University)R * Completed his 2-year CPA internship with Alexander Grant – a national CPA firm as manager of their Small Business Section in Las...
IACPA internship program draws record responseHaniffa, Aziz
During the internship, our company will provide “on-the-job” training opportunities to our next generation of the degree of Accountancy and Finance programmes: Through the training, our students will be equipped with valuable work experiences as well as necessary professional and generic skills for...
In order to nurture the future talents in the society, we offered internship opportunities to the students from UNSW and they shared their cultural and international insight. We are committed to provide community service and give back to the Communities ...