CPA Exam Schedule NASBA has introduced a new Continuous Testing model for testing. Under this model, you can schedule and take the exam throughout the year. Moreover, candidates failing an exam section can apply and retake it immediately after receiving the scores. This model has replaced the...
Testing windows are the CPA semester dates that candidates can schedule and sit for the exam. Typically, these windows include the first two months of each quarter and follow this pattern: two months of testing followed by one month of no testing. Thus, January – February, April – May, J...
Who administers the CPA Exam? The CPA Exam is administered at Prometric test centers in partnership with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). After you apply to your state board of accountancy, you will schedule and sit for your exam with Prometric. Who grades the...
If you wish to schedule your exam at a Guam Testing site, you must first pay the ‘Guam Administration Fee’ through CPA Examination Services at NASBA before trying to schedule. If you wish to schedule your exam at an international location (any outside the United States, Canada, Guam, Pue...
Schedule Your Exam Before we can actually go through the steps to scheduling your exam, we need to figure a few things out first. For example, where is the best place to take the exam and on what day should you schedule it? Learn More About The CPA Exam ...
Step 2: Wait for the Notice to Schedule letter. Step 3: Apply to take tests abroad and complete the international registration procedure. Step 4: Schedule to take the exam at a foreign location. Where Can International CPA Candidates Take The CPA Exam? In collaboration with the AICPA and Pro...
This CPA exam testing window schedule changed in 2020 when the AICPA announced that it would move to an all-year continuous testing schedule. This means starting in 2023 you will be able to schedule your exam just about any day of the year you want. You will also be able to retake any...
Do I have to be a United States citizen to sit for the CPA Exam? Does my Authorization to Test (ATT) expire? After receiving my Notice to Schedule (NTS), do I have to schedule my CPA Exam within a certain period of time? Which CPA Exam Section Should You Schedule First?
The current CPA Exam You won’t be able to take BEC at the end of 2023. November 15, 2023 is the last day that the NASBA Gateway system will process Authorizations to Test and Notices to Schedule (NTS) for BEC. That means Boards of Accountancy will have to set application deadlines ...
Enter Exam Section ID and the first 4 characters of your name, then click next. Enter the address and the date range for the CPA Exam appointment. If you plan to take the exam in Guam or at an international testing center, you must pay the associated administration fees to schedule the ...