·Enrolment fee for module examination:1900港元/module 7.Capstone Enrolment fee for the Capstone workshops and Final Examination:8350港元 二、uscpa考试费用是多少?1、考试科目申请费 NASBA系统更新后,各个考试科目的申请费以各州公布为准。2、教育评估申请费 此费用原先被称为考试注册费,具体费用标准还是因...
·Enrolment fee for module examination:1900港元/module 7.Capstone Enrolment fee for the Capstone workshops and Final Examination:8350港元 二、hkicpa考了能和uscpa互认吗? 不能。根据香港会计师公会官方网站上发出的声明,确认了该会与美国国家会计委员会全国协会(简称NASBA)属下的美国国际资格评估委员会(简称IQA...
1.Application fee(首次注册费):900港元 2.Assessment fee(学术评审费):1540港元 3.Annual fee(年费):900港元 4.Re-registration fee(重新注册费):800港元 5.Associate Level ·Exemption feet(豁免费):800港元/module ·Enrolment fee(报名费):1000港元/module 6.Professional Level ·Enrolment fee for Introduc...
“I used Dalton to complete my education & capstone. They bundled their review with it. I sat for 2 review classes virtually, and couldn’t bare it. When I found out I could get work reimbursement for a review class, I dropped Dalton like a hot rock, and went to Brett Danko. He’...
2.Assessment fee(学术评审费):1540港元3.Annual fee(年费):900港元4.Re-registration fee(重新注册费):800港元5.Associate Level·Exemption feet(豁免费):800港元/module·Enrolment fee(报名费):1000港元/module6.Professional Level·Enrolment fee for Introductory workshop:1500港元·Enrolment fee for module ...