CP2K Editor是一个免费的Python GUI,可以从GitHub下载,并且可以在所有主要操作系统上使用,包括Mac OS,Linux和Microsoft Windows。 CP2K Editor可以在默认值的用户友好型GUI中引导用户构建输入文件。此外,它会生成一个简单的输入文件,如果需要更高级的配置,可以轻松地对其进行修改。因此,新用户和有经验的用户都将从使用...
CP2K Editor is a simple GUI for creating input files in the atomistic program CP2K. It is a easy and fast way to create the complex input file used in CP2K. - avishart/CP2K_Editor
基于Python的。试了一下,感觉略微简陋 解压后直接输入python CP2K_Editor.py即可启动 ...
CP2K Editor is a simple GUI for creating input files in the atomistic program CP2K. It is a easy and fast way to create the complex input file used in CP2K. - CP2K_Editor/data/nm12_parameters.xml at master · mfkiwl/CP2K_Editor
CP2K Editor is a simple GUI for creating input files in the atomistic program CP2K. It is a easy and fast way to create the complex input file used in CP2K. - mfkiwl/CP2K_Editor