Unable to install CP210x Universal Windows Driver on Windows 10 Even after installing the CP210x Universal Windows Driver (V11.3.0) downloaded from below on Windows 10 (2H22), the driver is not displayed in Device Manager. https://jp.silabs.com/developers/usb...
To install theCP210x Universal Windows Driver, within theCP210x Universal Windows Driverpackage, you may find the.inffile under the namesilabser(per the image below), then right-click on that file, select "install" and follow the instructions. Before installing, kindly check the requirements in...
Thank you for contacting to Silicon Labs Technical support regarding to CP210x Universal Windows Driver. To understand more about the problem, could you please provide us some information as below: 1.What is your Windows version? 2.Have you ever installed successfully Silicon Labs' other drivers?
CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver; 串口转USB的驱动,CP2102; 支持win7,win10; CP210x2019-03-13 上传大小:863KB 所需:48积分/C币 CP210X_WINDOWS_DRIVERVS,兼容win10/win7/win8/32位,64位 完全兼容好用的cp210x驱动 ,支持win10,win8,win7,32/64bits系统。
CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver_CP210X系列USB转串口驱动_ CP210X系列USB转串口的驱动,最新好用 上传者:weixin_42683394时间:2021-09-30 CP210x 驱动 Win10 适用于CP210x串口芯片的驱动程序,一键安装。亲测Windows10可用。并包含x86和x64版本。 上传者:l851285812时间:2020-07-21 ...
I had to install the driver recently to connect the ZCU102 board to a computer with no Vivado Installation (that often installs the driver already). I downloaded the driver here:https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=dow...
We've recently become aware of an issue with a new update to Windows 10 and our CP210x VCP "Universal" Driver for Windows 10, driver version v10.1.1. When attempting to install the driver, an error is given by Windows that states "A service installation section in this INF is invalid...
->工具中下载CP210xUSB to UART驱动,下载完后将CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver.zip文件解压,执行安装程序。 安装CDK开发工具如下 yinwuqing2020-03-16 00:09:17 【飞凌嵌入式OK3568-C开发板试用体验】 飞凌OK3568开发板硬件搭建 插入显示器的HDMI接口。6 总接线图如:4.jpg。7 打开开发板的电源开关即可进入...
Hi all, is this a bug? We have an automated procedure that download updated driver and install on our devices and we encountered this error... Driver reports:Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driv
( you can download the latest driver for CP210x devices on Silicon Labs's website here: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/software/CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver.zip ) 3) Could you tell us more specifically what error appears when you install the driver? Could you share with us ...