Even after installing the CP210x Universal Windows Driver (V11.3.0) downloaded from below on Windows 10 (2H22), the driver is not displayed in Device Manager. https://jp.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads Even if you add it ...
I have a Microsoft Surface Go that is running Windows 10 and can not get the hardware to connect using the cp210x driver for Windows 10. I put it on the machine and it seems to load but gives error code 28. Any help would be greatly appreciated. All replies (3) Tuesday, January...
v10.1.10 绿色版 CP210x Universal Windows Driver是一个USB转串口驱动,相较于传统的驱动,这个版本的是适应微软变化而开发的通用驱动,支持Windows10桌面系统,未来也是以这个版本的驱动更新为主了。 安装说明 下载解压,根据系统选择安装32位或者64位的 然后就可以在电脑看到端口了。哇,搞了一上午st_link,其好像不能...
I have a Microsoft Surface Go that is running Windows 10 and can not get the hardware to connect using the cp210x driver for Windows 10. I put it on the machine and it seems to load but gives error code 28. Any help would be greatly appreciated. All replies (3) Tuesday, January ...
Hi! I upgraded from win 8.1 to WIn 10 32-bit Enterprise and my CP210x adapter stopped working,gives an exclamation mark and code 31. I have uninstalled driver, downloaded the newest one from your download section but it still doesn´t work. I installed it in another computer still runni...
CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver,CP2010的驱动,win10可以使用。 CP201Xwin102018-04-28 上传大小:808KB 所需:2积分/C币 CP2102驱动(WIN7、WIN10、32位、64位) cp2102是一款高度集成的USB-UART桥接器,能够提供一个使用最小化元件和PCB空间来实现RS232转换USB的简便解决方案。简单点说就是:用户使用cp2102能...
完全兼容好用的cp210x驱动 ,支持win10,win8,win7,32/64bits系统。 CP210X windows driver2017-11-17 上传大小:7.00MB 所需:23积分/C币 CP210x_Windows_Drivers CP210x系列USB驱动,适用于Win7 x64版本,USB驱动文件 上传者:v13910时间:2018-10-29 ...
1、将CP210x芯片设备与电脑连接,打开CP210x USB to UART Bridge Driver驱动安装程序,点击【下一步】 2、接受协议,点击【下一步】 3、等待驱动安装完成即可 下载地址 cp210x驱动 for win7/win10 v6.7 官方版 全能电脑助手下载地址: 安全,快速 电信安全下载 ...
1. WIN10 2004 19041.329 2. all drivers have issue. I tested. 3. I tried every driver I can download from offical website, including lastest driver: Windows 10 Universal (v10.1.8) https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/software/CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver.zip 4. I tried both. pr...
I have downloaded from your site and installed CP210x Universal Windows Driver. After several attempts and many hours of research I am not able to get this driver to work. The Com