" utf8 = utf8 & "|^[\x80-\xBF]" rex.Pattern = utf8 exts = "txt h hh hpp hxx h++ c cc cpp cxx c++ ii ipp ixx inl tpp txx tpl cppm cxxm c++m" filter = ".vs .git" cmd = "'|%{$file = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName, [Text.Encoding]::UTF8);$Utf8NoBom...
问UTF8 Bomless vs Cp1252EN从物理字节流的角度来看,对于使用UTF8存储的每个文件,我认为UTF8 bomles...
The problem is when I pass new values - they are in latin1 charset (standard for MS VS), and they should be stored in utf8 in database. How can i convert them from latin1 to utf8? Tried to insert a CONVERT() statement to my query, but it just didn't work (empty strings were...
For current (<=4) versions of R on Windows R.dll uses the CP1252 encoding for output in RTerm and LinkDLL CharacterMode. However rpy2 attempts to decode output using the utf-8 encoding irrespective of platform. To Reproduce In a jupyter ...