英语缩写术语"CP-FTMW"通常被用来代表"Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform MicroWave",中文简称为"啁啾脉冲傅立叶变换微波"。本文着重解析这一缩写背后的英文原词含义,以及其对应的中文发音"zhōu jiū mài chōng fù lì yè biàn huàn wēi bō"。它主要应用于学术领域,特别是电子学中。CP-FTMW是...
Additional measurements from 18 to 26.5GHz were also made using a waveguide CP-FTMW spectrometer. More than 4000 rotational lines were assigned to s-cis- and s-trans-acrylic acid in their ground vibrational states leading to precise determination of rotational, quartic and first complete set of ...
Development of newly built chirped-pulsed Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectrometer for studying biomolecules in the gas phase 文档预览 版权信息 Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works....
The Pate group, at the University of Virginia, has developed a new technique called chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy that has the ability to measure the broadband pure rotational spectra of large molecules. Working in collaboration with the Pate group, we have ...
F316, F316L, F316H, F316N, F316LN, F316Ti F317, F317L F321, F321H F347, F347H, F347LN F304/F304L, F316/F316L, F317/F317L, F321/F321H. F6a, F6b, F429, F430 S31727, S32053 F20, F44, F45, F46 F47, F48, F49, F56 F58, F62, F...
一周CP这个国庆邂逅你的爱掌/上/罗/平/相/亲/网/线/上/一/周/CP 一周CP报名方式 报名时间:即日起-9月29日 活动时间:10月1日-10月7日 报名要求: 1、年龄22-40岁,有稳定工作,有正确婚恋观。 2、双方必须为单身人士。真...
那么好 送出了赞 X1 00:00 00:00 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博 7171 人生无忧无求。 离去,绝不挽留! 2018-04-01 00:16 iPhone 6
却改变不了那份 深深的怀念 过去一天一天变遥远 回忆一点一点在增添 打开尘封的日记本 如烟的往事重现在眼前 啊 时光带走了我们的青春 却留下了难忘的从前 啊 岁月改变了我们的容颜 却改变不了那份 深深的怀念 啊 时光带走了我们的青春 却留下了难忘的从前 啊 岁月改变了我们的容颜 却改变不了那份 深深的怀念...