Sub stream rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1 Default RTSP port: 554 Example: rtsp://viewer:pass@ The following table shows the models of CPPlus cameras that support these RTSP URLs: Camera...
This item determines whether the printer's IP address is shown on the display with the Ready message. The default is OFF. Disables or restricts color use. The default is ENABLE COLOR. To use the COLOR IF ALLOWED setting, set up user permissions through the embedded Web server, HP Easy ...
Click the plus symbol (+). By default, Mac OS X uses the Bonjour method to find the driver and add the product to the printer pop-up menu. This method is best in most situations. If Mac OS X cannot find the HP printer driver, an error message displays. Reinstall the software. If ...
6. If the IP address is incorrect, use the arrow buttons to select the No option, and then press the OK button. Repeat step 5 with the correct IP address, and then repeat step 5 for the subnet mask and default gateway settings. Link speed and duplex settings NOTE: This information ...
If SNMPv1/v2 is used, you must provide the SNMP community string that was entered during Arbor appliance configuration along with IP address of Cloud Agent which will be used for appliance monitoring. If SNMPv3 is used, you must provide the SNMPv3 user, plus authentication method (SHA or MD5...
Fixed a copy and paste bug where the default port for the SMTP socket class was 110. You can now specify the address on which the socket is bound. This enables the programmer to decide on which NIC data should be sent from. This is especially useful on a machine with multiple IP addre...
interface Tunnel0 bandwidth 1000 ip address no ip redirects ip mtu 1400 ip nhrp authentication DMVPN_NW ip nhrp map multicast dynamic ip nhrp network-id 100000 ip nhrp holdtime 360 ip tcp adjust-mss 1360 ip ospf network point-to-multipoint delay 1000 tunnel so...
(plus, x, y) END ELSE x := OPB.EmptySet() END ; CheckSym(rbrace) END Sets; PROCEDURE Factor(VAR x: OPT.Node); VAR fpar, id: OPT.Object; apar: OPT.Node; BEGIN IF sym < lparen THEN err(13); REPEAT OPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= lparen END ; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(...
随着内地时尚行业崛起,服装产业链条不断完善,与香港只有一江之隔的广东渐渐成为全球最大的服装服饰集散地,吸引了不少香港潮牌设计者在此落户。 有人已在此扎根超过十年,把潮牌做成了行业标杆;有人刚起步,在一针一线中,勾勒对未来的美好期待。 从贩卖国外潮牌到自造IP ...
Detection was carried out using the ECL Plus Western Blotting Detection System (GE Healthcare) exposed on Biomax MR film (Kodak). Data analysis and statistics Quality-filtered Illumina sequencing reads from ChIP-Seq libraries were aligned to hg18 human genome using Bowtie soft- ware. The ...