频域特性进行仿真,最后采用VC2003软件编写3阶无源环路滤波器设计软件,大大简化了4阶CPPLL设计,为类似的设计提供了良好的借鉴意义.%With the analysis of the fundamental of the forth order CPPLL on digital television receiver, the paper presents a practical design method of the forth order CPPLL's loop ...
Third, PLL in this thesis will be fabricated on the substrate such as monocrystal silicon. Chip level circuit design process has its own characteristics and it needs a different kind of desiging method. In a sense, it is a bit more rigorous than the PCB level cirtuits for the non-idea fa...
Schlichtmann, "A cppll hierar- chical optimization methodology considering jitter, power and locking time," in Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Confer- ence. ACM, 2006, pp. 19-24.J. Zou, D. Mueller, H. Graeb, and U. Schlichtmann, "A CPPLL hierarchical optimization ...
Chia-Yu Yao,Chin-Chih Yeh,Chun-Te Hsu."The Analysis of Phase-Jitter Variance for the Second-Order CPPLL Frequency Synthesizer,". International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings . 2006Chia-Yu Yao,Chin-Chih Yeh,Chun-Te Hsu."The Analysis of Phase-Jitter Variance for ...
佳能发布小型照片打印机炫飞SELPHY CP1200照片打印机佳能一见钟情佳能(中国)有限公司推出新款小型照片打印机炫飞SELPHYCP1200.SELPHYCP1200在展现出令人一见钟情的高颜值的同时,加入了机身直连电池设计中国摄影家
The effective loop parameters of digital PLL based clock recovery schemes vary with the degree of impairments in the received signal. We present a novel scheme that guarantees stable PLL design parameters independently of input signal distortions.Hebebrand, C....
Dual mode CP design makes the charge pump much more flexible in applications. The current mismatch for the two modes is below 4.9 % within the voltage range of from 0.2 to 1.0 V.Cao YuMinsu KimHyungchul KimYoungoo YangICAMEM 2011International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering ...
PLLPFDCPA high speed Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD) and Charge Pump (CP) are implemented using 0.13 渭m CMOS process with 1.2 V supply. The PFD is implemented with TSPC (True Single-Phase Clock) and positive edge triggered D flip-flop. Its polarity can be changed by setting the port. ...
Thus, the decreased level of this dipeptide may contribute to decreased glutathione syn- thesis and disrupt antioxidant capacity in the Mecp2−/y mouse cortex. Interestingly, of all the compounds identified in the Mecp2−/y cortex, cysteinyl-glycine is the most severely downregulated metabolite...
Dual mode CP design makes the charge pump much more flexible in applications. The current mismatch for the two modes is below 4.9% within the voltage range of from 0.2 to 1.0 V.Cao YuMinsu KimHyungchul KimYoungoo YangICISCI 2011International conference on information systems and computational ...