Cp/Cv Ratios Measured by the Sound Velocity Method Using Calculator-Based Laboratory TechnologyIn a reversible adiabatic process the perfect gas obeys the equation PV~纬 = constant where P and V are the pressure and volume of the gas, respectively, and y is the heat capacity ratio, defined ...
这个比较好理解,Cv是定容的,气体对外界不做功,Cp是定压的,气体对外界做功 2.1比热容比(the Ratio of Speific Heats) 首先, c_p=c_V+R,R是通用气体常数 比热容比: \gamma =\frac{c_p}{c_V} 2.2热力学第一定律解析式 Q-W=\Delta E 其中Q为进入系统的能量,W为离开系统的能量 2.3一些能量 热量...
双原子气体是指由两个原子组成的气体,比如氢气(H2)、氧气(O2)、氮气(N2)等。在理想气体状态下,双原子气体的理论比热比(specific heat ratio)是一个重要的物理量,通常用希腊字母γ表示。理论比热比是指气体在等压和等体积过程中比热容(specific heat capacity)的比值,即:γ = Cp / Cv 其中...
Batteries in different charge ratio in volume change almost unanimously, shows that the reliability of the batteries is relatively good.不同倍率下电芯体积的膨胀率不同,对于不同倍率体积膨胀研究十分有必要。特别是对体积变化率小的材料体系,高精密原位体积测试方法的需求更重要,如下体积对于化成后的电芯,...
In thermodynamics, the heat capacity ratio or ratio of specific heat capacities (Cp:Cv) is also known as the adiabatic index. It is the ratio of two specific heat capacities, Cpand Cvis given by: The Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure (Cp)/ Heat capacity at Constant Volume(Cv) ...
·40% per year; hazard ratio [HR] 0·67, 95% CI 0·61–0·73; p<0·0001). Secondary outcomeswere also reduced in the intervention group: myocardial infarction (HR 0·77, 95% CI0·60–0·98; p=0·037), ...
(normal value 4000–8000/µL), the ratio of neutrophil was 80.8% (normal value 40.0–65.0%), the concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) was 4.53 mg/dL (normal value < 0.14 mg/dL), and the serum lact...
Hello, I am working in a compressor selection software and I have to enter the heat capacity ratio (K-value or Cp/Cv value) of my inlet gas stream to proceed with the selection. How can I get the Cp/Cv value for my inlet gas stream in ChemCAD 7?