Cpk:Aprocess capability index combining Cp and k (difference between the process mean and the specification mean) to determine whether the process will produce units within tolerance. Cpk is always less than or equal toCp.一个将Cp和k(表示流程平均值与上下限区间平均值之间的差异)结合起来的流程能力...
The two statistics have a lot in common. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater both statistics are. In fact, under the right conditions, Cp and Cpk have exactly the same value. Here's some data about the volume of ethanol in E85 fuel, which I've manipulated so th...
什么是CP和CPK分析和总结.pdf,什么是 CP 和 CPK CP(或 Cpk) 是英文 Process Capability index 缩写,汉语译作工序能力指数,也有译作工艺能力指数 , 过程能力指数。 工序能力指数,是指工序在一定时间里,处于控制状态 (稳定状态 )下的实际加工能力。它是工序固有的能力,或
Cpk:A process capability index combining Cp and k (difference between the process mean and the specification mean) to determine whether the process will produce units within tolerance. Cpk is always less than or equal to Cp.一个将Cp和k(表示流程平均值与上下限区间平均值之间的差异)结合起来的流程...
Struggling with process capability analysis? Analyze capability with this easy-to-use QI Macros add-in for Excel. Calculates Cp Cpk and Pp Ppk in seconds.
cpkppk工序差范围指数公差 什么是CP和CPKCP(或Cpk)是英文ProcessCapabilityindex缩写,汉语译作工序能力指数,也有译作工艺能力指数,过程能力指数。工序能力指数,是指工序在一定时间里,处于控制状态(稳定状态)下的实际加工能力。它是工序固有的能力,或者说它是工序保证质量的能力。这里所指的工序,是指操作者、机器、原材...
index, Cp:, and the second generation indices, Cpk: and Cpm:, are studied in some detail, with special attention to conditions under which Cpm: is greater, or less, than Cpk:.Similar, though less extensive, analysis is applied in comparing a new index, Cpq:, with Cpm: and Cpk:. Ther...
PPK provides a measure of process performance considering both centering and spread, using sample estimates. A PPK value greater than 1 indicates that the process is capable of meeting the specifications; otherwise, it is not capable. In conclusion, CP, CPK, PP, and PPK are statistical process...
Although flaws caused by discordance to the LSL have a greater chance of happening, problems caused by the USL will continue to occur. When calculating Cpk and Ppk, this is not considered, because rates are always calculated based on the more critical side of the distribution. In order to ...
(random) variability => due to common causes Stable Process: A process in which variation in outcomes arises only from common causes Unstable Process: A process in which variation is a result of both common and special causes USL LSL nominal value Defect USL LSL nominal value Unnatural ...