CP和CPK详解 - 打印版 CP和CPK详解 CPandCPKexplanationindetail(打印版)2016.12.13 什么是CPK?什么是CPK?•Cpk的定义:制程能力指数;•Cpk的意义:制程水准的量化反映;用一个数值来表达制程的水准;(1)只有制程能力强的制程才可能生产出质量好、可靠性水平高的产品﹔(2)制程能力指数是一种表示制程水平...
However, when the system is being tested and is not centered between the limits of specifications, it may provide a misleading impression. You can test how centered the system is by comparing Cp and Cpk. When the process is on its target, these two will be equal. However, when there is...
Hence these results throw doubt on the assumed mechanism by which CP/CPK inhibits aggregation. The possibility that such inhibition was due to removal of extracellular ADP released prior to platelet stimulation and exerting a potentiating influence was investigated. This explanation appeared unlikely as ...
CPK = K and CPK = –K0 L (154)0 the time! No theoretical explanation! 1 1 2for K2 2 and the K1 10 Nov 2006 0 cp-even states while the K2 0 No theoretical explanation! i.e. the CP eigenvalues are cp=+1 for K1 and cp=-1 15 0 0 8 0 + - Observation of CP Violation in...