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The READ letters ($8) were on sale at Michael’s and I had a coupon on top of that. The left side of the bulletin board are just funny school-related comics that I’ve collected over the years. The “books” in the center are Google images of the novels we would be reading that...
Before I show you more of my tree, I wanted to mention one more thing, Balsam Hill was kind enough to offer IBC readers a coupon code. Enter code:IBC10OFFat checkout. This will save you 10% off your order of any amount. This can be used on sale items and regular-priced items on...
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My house is a seven room tract split level built in the 1950's. We blew insulation into the walls the summer we bought it. Most of the windows have been replaced with new construction top of the line windows. This house isn't particularly drafty. We have never used the fireplace here....
If I didn't live in a NYC apartment with a very tiny tub, I would 100% buy another one for myself. I'm dreaming of the day that I have a house or apartment with an amazing bathtub just so I can buy one for myself and use it all the time. If you're a bath person, you ...