As the last bit of daylight flickered out, I was able to see this coyote and able to take a couple photos. The photo to the left approximates what could initially be seen in the little light there was, and that light soon faded away. After just a few shots, the camera would no lo...
I really enjoyed your presentation – and so did many others who attended it who I got to talk to as we were walking out/hanging out in front afterwards. I have seen a number of presentations on coyotes over the past few years – and your’s, of course, was very personal, unique and...
(CBS) –A Riverside family is thankful their dog is alive after an attack by two coyotes. The owners of the Weimaraner say it was out in the backyard Thursday morning. Minutes later, they heard crying and ran outside to find two coyotes attacking the dog. The owners chased the coyotes ...
A few years later, I hunted in western Oklahoma in mid-February. While talking to my wife on the phone one night, I walked outside the lodge to get away from the guys. As we talked, my wife asked what the sound in the background was. It was the whimpering, yipping and howling of...
They disappear again when workers return home, and then come out again in the evening when all is quiet. This is why many folks don't even know there are coyotes living among them until a favorite pet is taken or suspicious "dog-like" tracks are found near the cat's dish on the ...
As the last bit of daylight flickered out, I was able to see this coyote and able to take a couple photos. The photo to the left approximates what could initially be seen in the little light there was, and that light soon faded away. After just a few shots, the camera would no lo...