A while after taking these photos, I spoke to a woman who was excited about what I had to say about coyotes. She told me about the coyote she had seen several times across the street from her shop, right in the middle of a residential neighborhood and right here in the middle of San...
7. In urban areas, coyotes have adapted to living in close proximity to humans, often scavenging for food in residential neighborhoods. 在城市地区,郊狼已经适应了与人类近距离共存,经常在居民区觅食。 8. Farmers sometimes face challenges from coyotes that prey on livestock, such as sheep and chicken...
Hazing is pretty much what it sounds like—shouting, arm waving and noise-making directed at urban coyotes in hopes of getting them to significantly change their behavior and avoid urban-residential areas. Coyotes attack and often eatdomestic animals,especially cats. In a 2019 study, cats were f...
This study was conducted in Madison, Wisconsin over a 27-square-mile area encompassing the UW-Madison campus, outlying residential neighborhoods, and some commercial and small natural areas. Drake and Mueller, with help from UW-Madison students and interested members of the public, trapped and radi...
so pleased with the results that the system is to be expanded soon to include the entire city, Wood said. As for Wirtz’s claims that the cans also discourage coyotes from settling in Claremont residential neighborhoods, Wood said: “It’s fascinating but it’s really an unexpected benefit....
We identified moderate-to-high estimates of relatedness among coyotes living in Queens (r = 0.0–0.5) and adjacent neighborhoods, suggestive of a relatively small population. Although we found low background levels of domestic-dog ancestry across most coyotes in our sample (5%), we identified a...