7. In urban areas, coyotes have adapted to living in close proximity to humans, often scavenging for food in residential neighborhoods. 在城市地区,郊狼已经适应了与人类近距离共存,经常在居民区觅食。 8. Farmers sometimes face challenges from coyotes that prey on livestock, such as sheep and chicken...
Several species of urban-adapted carnivores, including coyotes (Canis latrans), use anthropogenic resources in residential areas, which may increase rates of encounters and conflict with people. These negative interactions might be reduced with more understanding of individual variation in the use of ...
Now, Highland said she's keeping her other pets inside. She says she thinks a new development close to her home may be pushing coyotes into residential areas. "I heard a lot of land clearing, trees being cut down, so I think maybe that flushed them out from wherever they're living,"...
A while after taking these photos, I spoke to a woman who was excited about what I had to say about coyotes. She told me about the coyote she had seen several times across the street from her shop, right in the middle of a residential neighborhood and right here in the middle of San...
Charles Ryder said in the article that “People like us, urban dwellers, aren’t used to the idea of wild animals eating our pets.” The reason coyotes are visible in residential areas is because they have lost the natural fear of humans who are treating them as their own domestic pets ...
Coyotes (Canis latrans) have recently become more prevalent in many metropolitan areas; however, their apparent success is poorly understood. We estimated home-range size and selection of land-use types for coyotes in a heavily urbanized landscape, with a particular focus on responses of coyotes ...
Many of the sightings have occurred in a small, highly developed area between Rexford Drive and Doheny Drive just north of Wilshire and south of Santa Monica Boulevard. Several people have spotted coyotes wandering around commercial areas, foraging in garbage cans behind banks, offices and restaurant...
The article focuses on the prevalence of intruders or citified coyotes in Los Angeles, California, which are blamed for the lost of pet population in the area. It states that local wildlife authorities in the country have received complaints for residential pet lost including the Persian cat of ...
The findings have implications for wildlife managers working to promote co-existence of species and mitigate conflicts between animals and people in urban settings. "It gives us a better understanding of the types of habitats foxes and coyotes prefer to use in developed and residential areas," says...
Hazing is pretty much what it sounds like—shouting, arm waving and noise-making directed at urban coyotes in hopes of getting them to significantly change their behavior and avoid urban-residential areas. Coyotes attack and often eatdomestic animals,especially cats. In a 2019 study, cats were ...