Visitors to the Botanical Garden say they were surprised to hear about the coyote. "Yeah. I was surprised, I mean I know that sometimes coyotes are in urban settings," said Arasely Martinez from Los Angeles. But they also know that wild animals should be allowed to remain wild animals. "...
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We estimate an effect of zero when analyzing employment in the restaurant industry at all wage levels, comparable to many prior studies. Note what this means -- the amount of pay raise some low-skill employees got was less than the pay lost by workers who had their hours reduced or ...
Apparently, Los Angeles has tough anti-ticket scalping laws. This means that one is able to resell virtually any item one owns but no longer has a use forexcepttickets. In this case, government officials yet again don't like someone who places little value on an item selling it to someone...
This is a popular restaurant on Catalina. Well worth the short wait for a table. We traveled to Catalina with friends and this breakfast was an "on our own" - kind of couple's time - until we all ended up at Coyote Joe's!Breakfast was served quickly and hot - ...
This reminds me when my speech on global warming was banned from a conference by representatives of the City of Los Angeles. I remember writing to them:Apparently, several folks on this board were calling me a climate denier and a flat Earther. Now, it seems kind of amazing that a ...
The cheapest and most direct route to Baja California is to fly to (Los Angeles) or (San Francisco), shuttle to San Diego, then take the trolley to the border. This is especially true for travelers from Australia, New Zealand, UK or Europe. Baja California also has a large international...
A North Carolina man read online that a pizza restaurant in northwest Washington, DC, was harboring young children as sex slaves as part of a child-abuse ring, so he drove six hours from his home to the restaurant, and not long after arriving, he fired from an assault-like AR-15 rifle...
National Public Radio did a story a few days agoabout a man in Los Angeles who decided to build fake news sites that publish outrageous, blatantly false stories that promote stories that extreme far-right groups in the USA (also known as “alt-right”) would love to believe; he thought ...
California's marijuana growers are producing far more pot than is consumed in-state — and will be forced to reduce crops under new regulations that ban exports, theLos Angeles Times reported. "We are producing too much," Allen told the Sacramento Press Club during a panel discussion, the Ti...