Coyote Howls, Yips and other Vocalizations: A Panoply of Sounds & Situations COMMUNICATION by coyotes is one of my passionate interests, just as is their family life and social interactions. What I write here is based entirely on my own twelve years -- n
With the mating season on, male coyotes are going to be very busy making sure that their mates are getting everything they need food-wise. Because they are "skilled predators" you may not notice their presence, unless, of course, you have lost a pet or other livestock like rabb...
With the mating season on, male coyotes are going to be very busy making sure that their mates are getting everything they need food-wise. Because they are "skilled predators" you may not notice their presence, unless, of course, you have lost a pet or other livestock like rabbit...
(yips). These calls are most often heard at dusk or night, less often during the day. Although these calls are made throughout the year, they are most common during the spring mating season and in the fall when the pups leave their families to establish new territories. Many people find...
Our coyotes lead much richer lives than most folks are aware of: their lives are full of emotion — really the same emotions we experience — and full of family life — the amazingly similar family life we enjoy. Some people might dispute this, but this is what I’ve seen through my de...