By comparison, this is about the same speed as a racehorse. It can also leap an astounding 13 feet in the air. How dangerous is a coyote? Coyote attacks are exceedingly rare. Only a few human fatalities have ever been documented. However, as coyotes lose their fear of humans, both ...
Measuring Track Size If you think you've found tracks from a coyote or bobcat, size comparison is a useful aid in distinguishing between the two species. In general, a coyote's track will be larger than that of a bobcat. This is because the average coyote is in the range of from 20 ...
I’m visiting mange again. This video shows a young mother coyote who developed the condition over the summer. The first part of the video was taken in mid-September showing her ragged tail and pocked face. The last part of the video — for comparison — was taken in mid-June when she...
Above and beyond these common, even if life-altering, pressures and life hurdles, the presence of humans and dogs, and all sorts of human activity, especially in denning areas, stress coyotes. For the most part, humans tend to be unthinking, unknowledgeable, or uncaring about wildlife situatio...
By comparison, Skyrim VR (a great if clunky port, especially with mods) has a total map size of about half that, at 37 square kilometers, about a quarter of which is unplayable “border.” Not including dungeons and expansion territory. I believe that Skyrim is a mix of hand-crafted an...
However, for all but the most unusual substances, this cooling effect will be minor in comparison with the second effect, the phase change of the ice. Phase changes in water consume and liberate a lot of heat. I probably could look up the exact amounts, but the heat absorbed by water ...
This is an absurd comparison for any number of reasons. The most obvious is that no one would have been put in danger, and the financial costs were nil, for the Penn State coaches to stop Sandusky's abuse. Further, Penn State officials had a clear legal obligation for the safety of fol...
By comparison, the IPCC and research scientists take the uncertainties involved withclimateforcings andfeedbacks very seriously. They clearly quantify and document them. The net result of the research suggests that ourclimate's sensitivity to forcing centers around 3°C for doublingCO2concentrations. Th...
A comparison of body mass of Canis latrans (coyotes) between eastern and western North America. Northeast. Nat. 14: 111–124. doi:10.1656/ 1092-6194(2007)14[111:ACOBMO]2.0.CO;2. Wolfe, M.L. 1974. An overview of moose coactions with other animals. In Alces: moose ecology. Edited by...
** To this day I am amazed how little heat the gender apartheid in the Arab world generates in the West in comparison to race apartheid in South Africa. I am not an expert on either, but from what I have read I believe it is a true statement to say that blacks in apartheid South ...