This video: [] is of the same coyotes as the video immediately above: Mom, two year old daughter and one year old son. I think son is simply copying Mom, and since he has her support and isn’t disciplined, he continues doing what Mom ...
There are a lot of James Burke TV episodes on Youtube and I recommend them all. Connections is recommended of course but I actually think his best series was season 1 of the Day the Universe Changed.I believe this is episode 1.
No matter what your level of meditation practice or relative “Zen”, you’re still faced with the stark reality that the home you’ve spent the last 8 months of your life building was precariously close to being lost, and it’s really upsetting. As my father observed later on, “If th...
In this next video: [], first you see younger brother taunting his older sibling. She’s not allowed to taunt back so she just defends herself. And that’s when Mom comes by and body slams her until she runs off with her tail between he...
Who Are You Calling Privileged? April 9, 2019, 12:07 pm A while back on Columbus Day I wrote this on Twitter: This is not just a SJW thing -- Columbus's European contemporaries thought he was a horrible person. The problem is that Italian-Americans have adopted it as Italian pride day...
but these will give you an idea of how full those get-togethers are. I believe you all can see more through still images, rather than a video where you might actually miss what is going on. But also, videos take up a lot of space and, for me, are harder to edit down. Nevertheles...
This is the price for fetishizing the CDC and FDA as all-knowing consensus voices of "science" that are not to be doubted, even to the point of having heterodox youtube videos taken down. Because 1) These guys like Fauci are not scientists per se, but government bureaucrats with science...
By the way, it is increasingly clear that Google and YouTube don't really want to be a free speech outlet, as they seem to be banning stuff as fast as it can be posted. They are private concerns, and so can do whatever they like, and I can understand from their perspective why the...
Instead, coyote gave the display you see here and even ran after the lagging dog to herd it on. The woman ran ahead calling her dogs which were some distance in back of her. As this group ran out of sight, the coyote stood and watched them, and then trotted off in the other ...
你好吗 How you doing? 挺好的 你呢 Okay. You? 孩子们好吗 How are the kids? 还行吧 Getting by. 我打来是想问问房hearts;子修得怎么样了 I-Im just calling to see how things are going with the house. 遇到了一些问题 Uh, I had a few issues. 会比我预计要花的时间更长 Its gonna take ...