If you've been hearing or seeingcoyotesa bit more than usual in your area, it's because it's their breeding season in Michigan. Regardless if you live in the country or the city, coyotes are everywhere right now. The main thing that you need to be concerned with is your pets. Sometim...
Or maybe this particular coyote was looking for a partner? Coyote breeding season in Michigan starts in January and ends in March. It is recommended that you never approach a coyote, or attempt to feed one. That being said, according to The Humane Society of the United States, coyote attack...
Years later, doing a Google search, I still seem to be the only person in the first 10 pages of Google results that wrote a skeptical article. Seriously, I figured out this was all bullsh*t from about 60 seconds of studying their web site -- is this really what happens in tech journal...