than we would be, and that perhaps he’s just committed to succeeding, as opposed to crossing the line to being manipulative or lying to get a deal like the classic, stereotypical used car salesperson (yes, I’ve gotten burned by one). If top management were forced to choose would they ...
Now, I’m not naive. Oftentimes, stories of horrible co-workers and bosses are worth listening to, and I suppose I’m scared that my team member’s stories are correct. In fact, I’m sure her partner isn’t lying about his experiences. So I suppose I have two questions: Should I r...
"I'm not lying," Benson volleyed unsuccessfully before buckling. "Not much... is it that obvious?" "I'm your partner — for better or worse," Stabler told Benson lovingly. "Look, everybody knows too much about everybody else in this office anyway." "I broke a rule, Elliot, the ...