He was born in 1887 and, in his own words, “worked as a horse wrangler, cowhand, bronc breaker, and roughstring rider for cow outfits in Canada, and for outfits extending from there to the border of Mexico for a period of over forty years.” While that’s not notable in itself—ma...
Some of the outfits that began to appear in public bordered on the preposterous. Take the lady in the picture on the right. When was the last time you saw a woman dressed like that out on the prairie rounding up cattle? Exactly. Yet that picture is a perfect example of what you migh...
Rex seemed fascinated by the violent world these men inhabited. They made him an honorary member of the Texas Narcotics Officers Association, and he threw parties for them in his Denton show barn. He liked to appear at these shindigs dressed in flamboyant Western outfits from his Cutter Bill ...